Dr Samarina Musaad

Samarina Musaad is a Chemical Pathologist at Waitemata Hospitals, Labplus Auckland, and Northland Hospitals. She is Clinical Director of the Biochemistry Department at LabPlus and oversees POCT in the three hospitals. She is the Clinical Lead for the Northern Region POCT Network, Deputy Chair for the NZ POCT Advisory Group and is the IFCC corresponding member for the AACB. Samarina has experience in the private community and in the public sector.

Samarina is passionate about Clinical Leadership and Governance in general, about testing outside-of-the lab specifically, and about clinical utility and risk mitigation of POCT. She also has a keen interest in the role POCT plays in public health and in supporting better access to healthcare delivery.


Dr Malcolm Mulholland


Sonny Taite, Ngāi Te Rangi